About this site

Welcome to RedTeamRealm, a resource on offensive security insights, guidance, and motivational advice. My name is Kenny, aka ibr0wse, an experienced Red Teamer, and mentor to many Red Team enthusiasts. I conduct several Red Team assessments all year round at a major cyber security firm, but I did not just wake up and start there. I faced many challenges that garnered a lot of failures while striving for success in this field. As such, I think it's only right I give back to the cyber security community in hopes someone might learn from my experiences. The opinions expressed on this site are solely my own and do not reflect those of my employer.
This independent publication is designed to empower aspiring cyber security professionals and enthusiasts by sharing valuable information, such as my personal experiences ranging from failures, successes, and tips from the front-lines of ethical hacking and security assessments.
I am passionate about helping you explore the world of ethical hacking, learn from my mistakes, adopt cutting-edge techniques into your toolset from a Red Teamer's perspective, and discover how to build a successful career in the cyber security field. I believe that knowledge is power, and by providing you with the tools and resources you need, I aim to create a community of well-informed, skilled, and confident cyber security professionals.
Let me help you on your journey as I discuss various cyber security topics, share my trials, tribulations, insights, and offer practical advice to help you excel in the ever-evolving world of information security.
RedTeamRealm is an independent publication launched in March 2023. If you subscribe today, you'll get full access to email newsletters about new content when it's available. Your subscription makes this site possible, and allows RedTeamRealm to continue to exist. Thank you!
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